Sunday 31 July 2011

Kale Chips

 Kale Chips!! They are sooo tasty- I cant stop eating them!! I had kale in the fridge that needed to be eaten so what better time than now to make kale chips!!

Okey so wash and break kale up into bite size pieces!

Make a sauce out of what ever you can find. I put into the blender a handful of dates, x2  large tomatoes that needed to be eaten, handful of sun dried tomatoes, 1 fat garlic clove, cumin, chilies, paprika. People make cheesy kale, chocolate kale- what ever comes to mind !!

Pour mixture over kale and massage in with your hands! 
 Spread on trays and place in the dehydrator for hours and hours and hours.. Over night and into the next day. Just keep drying until they are very crispy!

 ( Kale chips before being dehydrated! )

End result... crispy tasty kale chips... they are very very yummy.. You have to try them and you will be hooked.. hard to believe something made from a green leafy thing could taste so good :)

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Mung Bean Hommus

Mung Bean Sprouts

Mung Beans are a member of the legume family of plants ,which amongst other things, have the unique capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen by the nodules on their roots which harbour ( in a symbiotic manner ) nitrogen fixing bacteria.
In the Indian Ayurveda approach to health,Mung Beans are one of the most cherished foods as it is believed they balance all three doshas.

The consumption of 4 or more servings/week of beans,decreased heart disease by 22% according to a US study of nearly 10,000 people.

Unlike most beans,mung beans contain very few oligosaccharides,the sugars responsible for flatulence.This unique biochemistry makes mungbeans suitable for children and anyone suffering from delicate digestive systems.
The amazing biochemical process of sprouting transforms this seed with already a number of significant health benefits into a superfood.
Most people are aware of the mung bean sprouts, where the seed has germinated and is several times bigger than it's original size and the white radicle or root has emerged.It is often eaten in this form as a snack.At this stage the mung bean still resembles a pea in shape.The sprouting biochemistry has made available minerals,enzymes and Vitamins, in a form easily assimilated into the body.
The sprouting process makes Vitamin C available which is not found in the seed.
So if you are looking for a
vegetarian source of protein (around 23%)
dietary way of increasing your chances of living longer

superfood suitable for delicate digestive systems
way to decrease in your chances of suffering heart disease and colon cancer
then mung bean sprout consumption bears serious consideration.

I decided to make a mung bean hommus with all my mung beans!!
In the blender I put 400g of mung beans, a clove or 2 of garlic,(depending on your taste) a heaped tablespoon of tahini, lemon juice, chilli powder.

The photo below is of the before mung bean, the hommus and then finished snack...
Although I just used tomato- you can put whatever you desire! 
Avocado, capsicum, olives.

Afternoon tea at Peta's

I decided to go around to Peta's house and take afternoon tea.. I only decided 30mins before I went around what to make.. 

In the food processor I put on 1 cup of almonds and a few dates to make a constancy that binded together.
A dash of vanilla essence and cinnamon.
The filling is 1 handful of macadamia nuts, dates and orange juice. I used a vitamix blender for this- this made the creamy texture.
Then I topped with banana.

Having some almond mixture left over, I shaped around a cherry and then dipped into the macadamia filling!

Mmmmmm tasty... Wish the cherry would show itself faster!!!

Rhody would have loved to by passed all the almond and macadamia coating and eat only the cherry!! hehe

Starzi's made it to the cherry!!

Adrenal Fatigue

 I thought I should blog about adrenal fatigue as it is becoming more frequent these days. I would recommend you take the time and read the information I have collected as it is essential we keep our adrenals healthy, if not then we are going to have a very stressful life. One that I would rather not.
I have adrenal fatigue due to not looking after myself in the past, not listening to the body, lack of rest, shift work ..ect.. 
You can recover from adrenal fatigue but it is a very slow process and it takes a lot of dedication in doing the right thing :)  While I am working shift work and putting myself through extreme stress on night shift- my adrenals are not going to fully recover. I just have to make sure I do my best to help them as much as possible xx

Adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys.Adrenal has central medulla, and outer cortex. The adrenal glands are orange-colored endocrine glands which are located on the top of both kidneys.

No bigger than a walnut 

and weighing less than a grape, 

Each of your two adrenal glands sits like a tiny pyramid on top of a kidney ("ad" "renal" means "over" the "kidneys"). 

But.... don't let their size fool you; these powerful little endocrine glands manufacture and secrete more than 50 hormones necessary for life, including epinephrine (adrenaline), cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), progesterone and testosterone. Since they produce so many essential hormones, the adrenal glands are responsible for many of the functions we need to stay alive and healthy, including:
  • Energy production -- carbohydrate, protein and fat conversion to blood glucose for energy
  • Fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Fat storage
One hormone in particular, cortisol, is extremely important for keeping our body systems in balance, as well as protecting our cells. For example:
  • It controls the strength of the immune system: Too much cortisol weakens the immune system, setting the motions for increased susceptibility to infections and cancer, while too little leads to an overactive immune system and autoimmune disease.
  • It normalizes blood sugar.
  • It regulates blood pressure.

They modulate the functioning of every tissue, organ and gland in your body to maintain homeostasis during stress and keep you alive. 

They also have important effects on the way you think and feel.

The adrenal glands health is paradoxical. They are the "glands of stress," but are also the first glands to fail during prolonged or intense periods of stress. 
The problem with stressors is that they are "cumulative," in the sense that their impact tends to add up in the body over time until your adrenal glands (and probably your mental state) just can't take anymore.

The main purpose of your adrenals is to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. 
Whether you have an emotional crisis such as the death of a loved one, a physical crisis such as major surgery, or any type of severe repeated or constant stress in your life, 

Examples..  A difficult boss, 

air pollution, family quarrels, financial problems, too little sleep,

 illness and overindulgence in or sensitivities to food or drugs. 
If their response is inadequate, you are likely to experience some degree of adrenal fatigue.If your adrenal function is low, as it is in adrenal fatigue, your body has difficulty responding and adapting properly to these stresses.
This can lead to a variety of physical and psychological health problems that are themselves a further source of stress.

It is also your adrenal glands' job to keep your body's reactions to stress in balance so that they are appropriate and not harmful.
The more chronic the illness, the more critical the adrenal response becomes.
Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms, known as a "syndrome," that results when the adrenal glands function, but not at their optimal level. 

You cannot live without your adrenal hormones, how well you live depends a great deal on how well your adrenal glands function
Most commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress, it can also arise during or after acute or chronic infections, especially respiratory infections such as influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia.
You may look and act relatively normal

 while experiencing adrenal fatigue and may not have any obvious signs of physical illness, yet you live with a general sense of unwellness, tiredness or "gray" feelings.

People whose adrenals are fatigued often have to use coffee, 

colas and other stimulants to get going in the morning and to prop themselves up during the day.
Although it affects millions of people  around the world, conventional medicine does not yet recognize it as a distinct syndrome.To make matters worse, doctors often don't diagnose this problem. I have read of an  example of a woman who has been to 37 doctors before finally receiving proper diagnosis and a renewed sense of hope.
Adrenal fatigue can wreak havoc with your life.
In the more serious cases, the activity of the adrenal glands is so diminished that you may have difficulty getting out of bed for more than a few hours a day. 
  1. This following information was taking from 

    Fortunately, there are ways you can test yourself for adrenal fatigue. To start off, go ahead and "check off" the symptoms you have been experiencing.
    Symptoms of adrenal fatigue:
    • Morning fatigue -- You don't really seem to "wake up" until 10 a.m., even if you've been awake since 7 a.m.
    • Afternoon "low" (feelings of sleepiness or clouded thinking) from 2 to 4 p.m.
    • Burst of energy at 6 p.m. -- You finally feel better from your afternoon lull.
    • Sleepiness at 9 to 10 p.m. -- However, you resist going to sleep.
    • "Second wind" at 11 p.m. that lasts until about 1 a.m., when you finally go to sleep.
    • Cravings for foods high in salt and fat
    • Increased PMS or menopausal symptoms
    • Mild depression
    • Lack of energy
    • Decreased ability to handle stress
    • Muscular weakness
    • Increased allergies
    • Lightheadedness when getting up from a sitting or laying down position
    • Decreased sex drive
    • Frequent sighing
    • Inability to handle foods high in potassium or carbohydrates unless they're combined with fats and protein  

    In addition to noticing these symptoms in yourself, you can objectively check for adrenal fatigue by using the following three tests:
    1. Ragland's sign (blood pressure test)-- (Equipment required: Home blood pressure kit) Take your blood pressure while sitting down. Then, stand up and immediately take your blood pressure again. Your systolic (first) number should have raised 8 to 10 mm. If it dropped, you probably have adrenal fatigue.
    2. Pupil dilation exam-- (Equipment required: Flashlight and a mirror) Look into the mirror and shine the flashlight into the pupil of one eye. It should contract. If after 30 seconds, it stays the same or, even worse, dilates, you most likely have adrenal fatigue.
    3. Pain when pressing on adrenal glands (located over kidneys)
    Though the ACTH laboratory exam doesn't effectively test for adrenal fatigue, a salivary cortisol test can. You don't need a prescription for the exam. In fact, you can even buy the test online, do it at home and send in your sample to a lab for the results. Dr. Wilson is very positive about the effectiveness of the salivary cortisol test in diagnosing adrenal fatigue. It is so valid and accepted that Plan B Medicare covers it and "they don't want to cover anything they don't have to," he quips. If you don't have insurance, rest assured that this non-invasive test is also very affordable.

    Treatment of adrenal fatigue
    "Optimal adrenal health is one of the major keys to the enjoyment of life. If you have adrenal fatigue, you can fully live life again by making the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes to treat your disorder.
    Treating adrenal fatigue is as easy as:
    • Lying down during your work breaks (preferably at 10 a.m. and again anytime from 3 to 5 p.m.)
    • Sleeping until 9 a.m. as often as possible
    • Laughing
    • Exercising
    • Minimizing stress
    • Taking negative people out of your life
    • Eating regular meals
    • Chewing well
    • Doing something fun each day
    • Combining unrefined carbohydrates with protein and oils
    • Avoiding junk food
    • Eating five to six servings of vegetables each day
    • Taking calcium and magnesium supplements
    • Adding sea salt to your diet
    • Taking 2,000 to 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C each day
    • Supplementing vitamin E with mixed tocopherols
    • Taking B-complex supplements that are high in B6 and pantothenic acid
    • Adding licorice root extract to your dietary supplement regimen

    Taking back your life

    If you take your treatment plan seriously, you can expect your adrenal fatigue to heal in:
    • 6 to 9 months for minor adrenal fatigue
    • 12 to 18 months for moderate fatigue
    • Up to 24 months for severe adrenal fatigue
    For help along the way to taking back your life, you may want to read Dr. Wilson's book,Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century stress syndrome.

Adrenal Fatigue Quiz

This a quiz that you can take- this quiz is taken from Dr James Wilson's website. 

Take the Adrenal Fatigue Quiz

  • Tired for no reason?
  • Having trouble getting up in the morning?
  • Need coffee, colas, salty or sweet snacks to keep going?
  • Feeling run down and stressed?
  • Crave salty or sweet snacks?
  • Struggling to keep up with life’s daily demands?
  • Can’t bounce back from stress or illness?
  • Not having fun anymore?
  • Decreased sex drive?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue.*
“One person may withstand a stress quite easily and be ready for more, but another person, or that same person at another time, may find the same stress overwhelming and impossible to bear. It is important to understand the onset and continuation of adrenal fatigue has great individual variation.”* Dr. James L. Wilson

Examples of lifestyle factors that may contribute to adrenal fatigue:* (Most of these are within your control.)*

  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor food choices (white flour, low fiber, sugar, few vegetables or fruit, lack of raw food, etc.)
  • Using sweet or salty food and sweetened or caffeinated drinks as stimulants when tired
  • Staying up late even though tired
  • Feeling/acting powerless
  • Constantly driving yourself
  • Trying to be perfect
  • Staying in double binds (no win situations)
  • Too few of enjoyable and rejuvenating activities

Examples of people with lifestyles that may make them more vulnerable to adrenal fatigue:*

  • Full time university student
  • Student supporting self with job
  • Mother with two or more children and little support from family or friends
  • Single parent
  • Unhappily married person
  • Employee in extremely unhappy and stressful work conditions
  • Self-employed person with a new or struggling business
  • Drug or alcohol abuser
  • Shift worker on alternating schedule that requires sleep pattern to be frequently adjusted
  • Person who is all work, little play

Examples of life events that may help precipitate adrenal fatigue:*

  • Unrelieved pressure or frequent crises at work and/or home
  • Severe emotional trauma (death of someone close, divorce, etc.)
  • Major surgery with slow recovery
  • Prolonged or repeated respiratory infections
  • Serious burns - including severe sunburns
  • Head trauma
  • Loss of stable job
  • Sudden change in financial status
  • Relocation without support of friends or family
  • Repeated or overwhelming chemical exposure (including drug and alcohol abuse).
In short, adrenal fatigue occurs when the amount of stress or combined stresses over-extend the capacity of the body (mediated by the adrenals) to compensate for and recover from that stress.* Once this capacity to cope and recover is exceeded, some form of adrenal fatigue is likely to occur.*

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Mikayla's 4th Birthday

 Mikayla's birthday on the weekend.. A great time had by all. Here are some photos of our fun!!
This is the birthday cake that Vanessa baked and I decorated. Had a heap of fun, mixing all the colors together like little school kids :)  This cake isn't raw but tasted very yummy!! hehe

The spoilt little birthday girl.. lets guess what her favorite color is ??

I wanted to make something sweet and yummy, here is my beautiful sister Vanessa with our lil chocoy things which are made out of carob powder, honey, buckwheaties and coconut oil.
Once they have hardened in the freezer they are hard to stop eating!! 

Below is some Kale, I bought this from the super market
I am making Kale Chips.

I washed the Kale, then added the tomato sauce that I prepared using dates, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, water, spices ect.
Hand squished the sauce through the kale.

Dehydrate over night and into the next day!

 MMMMmmmm Mikayla thought the kale chips were tasty.

She even kept them in her pocket.. :)

I wanted to make something healthy for the party.
So I made this pizza base from left over almond pulp.

Dehydrated it , took it to Vanessa's.. The day of the party we made a tomato sauce to go on the base, I sprinkled savory yeast on to act as a cheese and then we piled the topping on!! Anything and everything!!



Every morning we made a smoothie, this morning Aunty Tash made almond milk using her vitamix blender, she then added a banana, honey, carob powder to our almond milk and blended it smooth!! We loved it very much!!


At least the smoothie is a good start to the day, before all of the lollies and cake got devoured!!