Monday 20 June 2011

20th June.. My goals

Hello everyone, thanks to all that have had a look at my blog site :)  Slowly I will put up more recipes, how to sprout ect...
It is just a time thing for me since working shift work in the mines does take up a lot of my time.. 
The reason why I have decided to go raw is too see how healthy I can be, to have glowing, clear, tighter looking skin, to have a lot more energy, to see if I can cope with night shift a lot better/shift work,  to see if I can improve my neck and shoulder problems, my chipped nails, dry scalp on top of my head, pain on lower right abdomen, x2 skin growths on right leg, maintain a healthy weight, to stop cravings and binge eating.

I love food, I am an emotional eater, I eat junk when I'm out of routine, I eat junk when I'm on holiday, visiting friends or having friends stay... 
I've been eating raw food for the past 1 and 1/2 months, everything was going great- until our friends came for the weekend and all my raw went out the window :( Not good at all, not good for my adrenals that take on sooo much stress when I decide to jam lots of sugary, unhealthy, yucky food in my gob. Adrenal glands do play a big part in our everyday life.. If you have adrenal fatigue then you probably would find it hard to cope with stress, I will blog a whole page on our little adrenal glands.
Preparation is a big thing with raw food, yesterday I made corn/pea bread for work and walnut and courgette crackers. Today it is all back on with my raw food, I want to take this seriously hence why I've blogged my goals.
March I got my blood pressure done I was 117/71  
Casp reading was 104mmHg     
Casp  ( Central Aortic Systolic Pressure) The amount of pressure going through the main artery of the heart 
Pulse rate 79 BPM

June blood pressure 107/65
Casp reading was 98mmHg
Pulse rate 66 BPM
These are the results after 1 and a half months on raw food. So this is a good start, everything has dropped!
My biggest hurdle of course is being out of routine, in 3 weeks Phill and I are going to my nieces 4th birthday. This will be a test for me , I am planning on taking things so I can stay on track. I shall blog closer to the date.
Anyways this is a quick brief blog just explaining some of what I want to get out of my raw food and hope that I would help someone become healthier and too make the right choices. Life has its ups and downs, its never easy, by putting the right things into our body, it has to make a difference. Make just 1 meal raw!! Go on, for once listen too your body and give it the nutrience it needs!
Happy eating xx love tash

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