Thursday 9 June 2011

Detox Day 3

Detox Day 3.. Hello to all, well it is 4pm in the afternoon and I haven't stopped all day. Ive just hoped out of the garden, Ive spent the last 2 hours pulling all those nasty weeds out of my soil.. grrrr  I am preparing to plant a vege forest!  Stay tuned for garden photos!
Anyways my day started at 7am with me tucking into some juicy Nashi Pear and Melon! Mmmmmm funny how something so simple as a piece of fruit tastes so good! In fact Raw-fully Good! :)
9am- I went out for coffee with my friend Mandy. She had a mocha and double shot.. and me... well I had a hot water. Its always funny how the waiter looks at you strangely "Yes, I said  a hot water Sir" You know .." hot water in a mug?" haha 
Back in New Zealand people don't look at mum strangely when she asks for hot water, maybe I'm too young to be drinking hot water? After all that, I ended up having more energy on my hot water than Mandy on her 3 shots of coffee! 
I then went off to the supermarket, stocked up on apples and pineapple :) yum , had a little feast before going to the gym.
10.30am Arrived at body balance for an hour class, who ever has done body balance ( mixture of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates ) knows that it isn't an easy class. It is very good for the body. 

I'm feeling great today, as long as I have some fruit now and then I can keep my energy up. I really enjoy being content. I am a bit scared going back to eating - all because I am enjoying being happy and not moody, feeling light and not bloated! I will just have to keep an eye on what I put into my mouth. :)
My next blog is going to be about why I have chosen the raw lifestyle. I have so much to tell you all. Yay!

Just before I started blogging I made some corn crackers and breakfast cookies.They are drying nicely in the dehydrator. I have made them up myself so if they taste Raw-fully Good then I shall post the recipe up for all the cookie munchers out there! "Go raw breakfast cookies!!!." Nom Nom! 
I have also chosen to make a raw apple pie for the raw picnic on Saturday. It doesn't require a dehydrator so all the pie eaters out there, stay tunned!
Easy for you all to make, then you can eat till your little hearts content!
Sadly I'm a lone ranger finishing this detox, Phill did very well at his attempt, he has had 3 meals in 3 days, with fruit juice and fruit. I give him credit at least he tried. A lot of people wouldn't even consider doing 1 day! Well done Phill. I would throughly recommend the 3day clean up to anyone wishing to clean the system out, feel better, have more energy, be more in tuned with their body. My only advice would be PREPARE.. cut out all junk, white flour, dairy, meat ect... a week before so come Day 1 you don't go through a nightmare! 
If anyone wants encouragement or advice then just ask, I'm more than happy to help.
Well I'm off to the super market to get some melon to take to my friends for dessert. I shall keep you all updated with the how the cookies are cooking!! Have a good night. Tash xxx

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